Old Earth Ministries Online Geology Curriculum

Geology Chapter 8 Quiz

This short quiz should prepare you for the end of chapter test. It has 10 questions. You may take this quiz as many times as you like. Please proceed.
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1: This principle of relative dating states that in horizontal rock layers, the oldest rock layers are on the bottom.
Principle of Faunal Succession
Principle of Superposition
Principle of Crosscutting Relations
Principle of Inclusion
2: Carbon-14 has a half life of...
5,730 years
6,450 years
60,000 years
4,400 years
3: The Paleozoic Era ended about...
65 million years ago
4.5 billion years ago
543 million years ago
248 million years ago
4: This Era is also known as the "time of the dinosaurs."

5: Rock unit colors on geologic maps represent different rock types (for example, sandstones are green, igneous are purple, etc).
6: The term "cenozoic" means...
ancient life
middle life
recent life
7: James Hutton first developed the concept of uniformitarianism.
8: Fossils which are contained in a rock layer are important to this principle of relative dating.
Principle of Crosscutting Relations
Principle of Inclusion
Principle of Faunal Succession
Principle of Superposition
9: The divisions of geologic time are Eon, Era, Period, Epoch, and Age.
10: The Precambrian Eon ended about
1.2 billion years ago
543 million years ago
248 million years ago
65 million years ago
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