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Creation Science Book Review:

Scientific Creationism

by Henry Morris

Review by Greg Neyman

© 2006, Old Earth Ministries

Review Published June 2006

Old Earth Ministries Science website


     The young earth book Scientific Creationism was written by Dr. Henry Morris, the founder of the modern young earth movement, and founder/past president of the Institute for Creation Research.   The edition being reviewed is soft cover, ISBN number 0-89051-003-2, Twenty-Third Printing, November 2003. 

     Dr. Morris went home to be with the Lord in 2006.  For the purposes of this review, I will address him in the present tense.

     This book is probably the most quoted young earth work.  It was originally written in 1974, and few changes have been made since then (there was one revision in 1985, but none since then).  This is evident when you read the book, as some of the arguments are no longer thought to be valid, even by young earth creationists. 

Chapter List


Chapter 1 - Evolution or Creation? (4 Topics)


Chapter 2 - Chaos or Cosmos (4 Topics)


Chapter 3 - Uphill or Downhill? (4 Topics)


Chapter 4 - Accident or Plan? (4 Topics)


Chapter 5 - Uniformitarianism or Catastrophism (4 Topics)


Chapter 6 - Old or Young? (4 Topics)


Chapter 7 - Apes or Men? (4 Topics)


Chapter 8 - Creation According to Scripture (14 Topics)

    Because the book is out of date with science, one must ask why it is still being sold?  It could be reviewed and edited to bring it up to modern young earth standards, but no such efforts have been made.  By offering it for sale unedited, the Institute for Creation Research is knowingly offering false information to their followers.

     This is not the only book like this.  Another Henry Morris book from 1961, The Genesis Flood, is still sold today, even though this book has numerous known errors.  I'm not talking about errors pointed out by old earth believers...I'm talking about errors that the current works of the Institute for Creation Research, Morris' own organization, have exposed.  Unfortunately, ICR is willingly spreading what they know to be false information.

     Reading this book, it is easy to see why Dr. Morris was the founder of the young earth movement.  He has a unique way with words, enabling him to sell the young earth agenda to anyone...despite the fact that the science does not back him up.  To put it another way...he could sell a pair of binoculars to a blind person.  In this case, the "blind person" is the church, and the "binoculars" is young earth creation science.  The blind person has no need for binoculars, just like the church has no need for young earth creation science.  The church can exist just fine without it.  It is also similar to the argument over geocentrism hundreds of years ago.  If you recall, the church lost that battle...yet the church is still here today, thriving.

     Dr. Morris provided a unifying voice to young earth creationists, and this effect is still being felt today.   It may take the church many years to recover from these effects.


            If you are not a Christian, and you have been holding out on making a decision for Christ because the Church always preached a message that was contrary to what you saw in the scientific world, then rest assured that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, and you can believe in Christ and receive salvation, while still believing in an old earth.  Click here for more.


    Are you a Christian who believes in young earth creationism?  Now that we have shown the many difficulties of the young earth creation science model in this and many other articles, how does this impact your Christian life?  If you are a young earth creationism believer, click here.