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Creation Science Book Review:

Scientific Creationism, by Henry Morris

Review by Greg Neyman

© 2006, Old Earth Ministries

Review Published June 2006

Old Earth Ministries Science website


Chapter 2, Part 1:  Origin of Matter, Energy, and Natural Law


      Morris approaches this topic from the viewpoint that evolution and creationism are two separate, completely different models of origin.  However, for the theistic evolutionist, this is not the case, as the two are merged into one model.  In this case, the words of Morris are against the atheistic evolutionist, or the evolutionist who does not believe in God. 

     Because of this approach by Morris, the response to his words will be limited.  One only needs to understand that evolution is not a theory of 100 percent certainty.  Where evolution has shortfalls, the theistic evolutionist need only appeal to God for the solution to this shortfall.  As a result, no amount of arguments against evolution can prevail. 

     The first issue Morris addresses is the origin of the natural laws and processes of the universe.  The theistic evolutionist believes just as Morris does...that God called these laws into existence.  Whereas Morris thinks they were instantaneous, many theistic evolutionists would agree, although some would say the laws were designed over great periods of time.  The end result is the same...the only difference is time.

Chapter 1 - Evolution or Creation?


Chapter 2 - Chaos or Cosmos


Part 1 - Origin of Matter, Energy, and Natural Law


Part 2 - The Beginning of the Universe


Part 3 - Origin of the Solar System


Part 4 - Purpose of Creation




Chapter 3 - Uphill or Downhill? (4 Topics)


Chapter 4 - Accident or Plan? (4 Topics)


Chapter 5 - Uniformitarianism or Catastrophism (4 Topics)


Chapter 6 - Old or Young? (4 Topics)


Chapter 7 - Apes or Men? (4 Topics)


Chapter 8 - Creation According to Scripture (14 Topics)

     Morris brings up a great point.  Since evolutionists believe that these laws must have "evolved," then they must still be evolving.  It should be pointed out that this is only a problem for atheistic evolutionists.  Since God created the laws at the beginning of the theistic evolution model, they can remain constant and unchanging, just as they do in the creation model.

     Next, Morris points out the problem of "first cause."  Whereas creationists believe in God being the first cause of all that is, evolutionists must also believe in what Morris calls "omnipotent Matter."  Morris goes on to list eleven first cause events, such as time, space, energy, etc.  Although I largely agree with him, he makes a poor point for creationism.  He follows up his list with an emotional appeal, however, none of these would require a God within a natural, atheistic environment, and would not be seen as valid arguments for a God.

     Next he summarizes this section in a lengthy discussion of ten points from the California Advisory Committee on Science Education.  Morris says that creationism fits their ten points better than evolution. 

1.  Cause and Effect.  I agree with Morris here, that evolution does not have a suitable cause and effect.  However, this is not true of theistic evolution.

2.  Relativity.  I agree, but a weak argument against evolution.  Time is the answer to everything in the evolutionists mind.  They will have no problem thinking that the universe can be independent.

3.  Motion.  The motion of everything, in that there is a hierarchy of movements.  These had to be established by God.  To the evolutionist, as these competing movements exerted force against each other, they will eventually reach a point of equilibrium.  Therefore, "time" is the only thing required to establish the hierarchy.

4.  Energy Conservation.  Yes, this fits the creation model...but it can also easily fit the evolution model.

5.  Mass-Energy Equivalence.  Also fits both models.

6.  Classification and Order.   Morris says that since natural phenomena can be arranged into orderly classification systems, this points to an orderly creator.  It also points to common descent through evolutionary principles, thus it equally fits both models.

7.  Processes.  All matter/energy relates to each other in certain ways.  "The universe is dynamic, forces are interacting, processes are taking place, events are happening, energy is being utilized, and work is being done."  Morris says this points to a creator.  I agree.  However, the evolutionist will see these events reaching this order through time and equilibrium.  And as always, theistic evolution can fill in any missing gaps through God's intervention.

8.  Forces and Fields.  Electromagnetic, gravity, and nuclear forces have occurred ever since the creation of the universe.  I agree.  Again, no problem for old earth Christians, who believe God created over billions of years.  These laws were set forth in the beginning of his Creation.  Atheistic evolutionists, on the other hand, must explain the formation of these forces, although we all know the answer...time.  Again, they will not be impressed with our arguments.

9.  Environmental Interdependence.  Morris says that in nature, systems are integrated into their environments.  This is exactly what the creation model would predict.  It is also exactly what the evolution model would predict.  As these systems interacted with their environments, they would over time reach a point of integration with each other.

10.  Energy Decay.  This mentions the second law of thermodynamics, which is a topic of length in Chapter 4, and it will be dealt with there.  Suffice it to say it does not present any problems for the old earth believer.

     Morris closes with a quote from a mathematician.  While I agree with Morris that science supports the creation model, in fact, it only supports the old earth creationist version of it.  Many of the evidences for a young earth, as you will see, are not based in science, as they use faulty data points, faulty conclusions, and misleading omissions.

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