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Creation Science Book Review:

Scientific Creationism, by Henry Morris

Review by Greg Neyman

© 2006, Old Earth Ministries

Review Published June 2006

Old Earth Ministries Science website


Chapter 1, Part 3:  The Two Scientific Models of Origins


      As Morris correctly points out from the previous section, science cannot prove either evolution or creation.  He goes on to say that the teaching of evolution as fact is a false teaching.  This is only partially correct.  Although macroevolution cannot be proven, it may still be correct.  While it is false to call it fact, it may be true in the long run.  To his credit, he says the same thing of creation.  Teaching creation as fact cannot be justified either.

     Morris says that referring to creation, or evolution, as scientific, is not accurate, since it cannot be tested.  This is incorrect, as the underlying processes of evolution, through mutations, can be tested and observed.  It is long term change, or macroevolution, that cannot be tested by one individual.  It can be tested historically.  In other words, scientists today make observations, and other scientists, thousands of years from now, can refer back to these observations, and notice the changes.  Thus, the science of today is building a database of information that we can use in the distant future to test evolution.

Chapter 1 - Evolution or Creation?


Part 1 - The Importance of Origins


Part 2 - Impossibility of Scientific Proof of Origins


Part 3 - The Two Scientific Models of Origins


Part 4 - Pedagogical Advantages of the Creation Model




Chapter 2 - Chaos or Cosmos (4 Topics)


Chapter 3 - Uphill or Downhill? (4 Topics)


Chapter 4 - Accident or Plan? (4 Topics)


Chapter 5 - Uniformitarianism or Catastrophism (4 Topics)


Chapter 6 - Old or Young? (4 Topics)


Chapter 7 - Apes or Men? (4 Topics)


Chapter 8 - Creation According to Scripture (14 Topics)

     He is incorrect also in that creation cannot be tested.  When astronomers look at the effects of the big bang, they are looking at the creation event.  They can formulate theories from it, and make observations.  In the same way, when a geologist looks at a rock layer that formed millions of years ago, during God's creative periods, we can observe the effects of those processes that God put in place...we are in fact observing creation. 

     Some would say this is inaccurate, as that would imply that creation is still occurring today, as new rock layers are formed.  What is important here is that God created the natural laws that governs the formation of rock layers, but did not individually create each layer.  Thus, God has created no new natural laws since creation ended, but the processes from the ones He created are still in effect.

     Morris says that to approach these two subjects, think of them as a "creation model" and an "evolutionary model."  These models can be modified as new discoveries are made, and they can be compared to see which one is more valid.


The Evolution Model


     Morris gives a brief explanation of the evolution model.  However, evolution is broader than he allows.  There are two types of evolution models.  The one Morris explains is called Atheistic Evolution.  It denies any role of a creator, and works solely through natural processes.  The other is called Theistic Evolution.  In this model, God is seen as the Creator, shaping His creation through the use of evolutionary principles, which are guided by the natural laws that He set in place. 

     In the United States alone, there are millions of theistic evolutionists.  Their beliefs range from the conservative (a literal Genesis, inerrant Word, fundamentalist belief system), to the liberal (non-literalist).  This website points out that you can believe in evolution and be a conservative Christian.  Clearly, the Bible does not support the liberal issues we see in today's church.


The Creation Model


     Morris starts out this section claiming that the creation model is diametrically opposed to the evolution model.  This is partly true, since only atheistic evolution opposes the creation model.  Theistic evolution is in fact a creation model as well.  Progressive creationism, the other form of old earth belief, is also a creation model, as is the less popular gap theory.  There are at least four, and probably many more, creation models.  I'm certain that Morris means the young earth model of creation.

     Morris says the creation model is supernaturalistic, externally directed, purposive, and completed.  These terms apply equally to the old earth creation models as well. 

     Morris gives several further explanations for the creation model, which also apply to the old earth models.  He does say one thing that needs addressed.  He mentions that his model of creation is considered "perfect."  Of course, evolutionists and progressive creationists also believe creation was perfect...but with a twist.  God created a perfectly functioning ecosystem, capable of self-renewal.  This does not mean there was not death and decay, as the young earth system proposes.  Death and decay are seen as an integral part of this perfect system.

     Interestingly, he says that the question of the date of creation (whether it is old or new), is a separate issue.  In this statement, he apparently is tipping his hat to the old earth viewpoint, although I believe he would not include theistic evolutionists in this equation.




     Morris proposes examining the two models based on some predictions that would arise from them.  He does this in the chart on page 13. 

Galactic Universe - Evolution says galaxies change, creation says galaxies are constant.  Science confirms the evolution side.


Structure of Stars - Evolution says Stars change into other types, creation says stars unchanged.  Science confirms that stars change.  This change is even part of the young earth arguments, with the star Sirius!  This is one of those points that shows how dated this book is, and why it needs updating.


Other Heavenly Bodies - Evolution says they are building up, creation says they are breaking down.  Science confirms both, as new stars are seen forming, and old ones are destroyed


Types of Rock Formations - Evolution says Different ages, creation says similar ages.  Science confirms that rock layers are vastly different in ages


Appearance of Life - Evolution says life evolved from non-life, creation says life only from other life.  Science cannot confirm either.


Array of Organisms - Evolution says a continuum of organisms (changing), creation says "distinct kinds of organisms."  Science cannot confirm either.  Science can confirm microevolution, but time is needed to verify macroevolution.


Appearance of Kinds of Life - Evolution says new kinds can appear, creation says no new kinds appear.  Debatable.  Science has shown that new species have arisen, but young earth creationists do not recognize the new species.


Mutations of Organisms - Evolution says beneficial, creation says harmful.  Actually, evolution says beneficial or harmful.  Science has confirmed beneficial mutations.


Natural Selection - Evolution says this is a creative process, creation says it is a conservative process.  In reality it can be both.


Fossil Record - Evolution says there are many transitional forms, creation says there are none.  Science says there are examples of some transitional forms, but creationists do not accept them.  Since the fossil record is incomplete, it can never show transitional forms that young earth creationists will accept.


Appearance of Man - Evolution says ape-human intermediates, creation says no ape-men.  The fossil record is too incomplete to confirm ape-human intermediates, but that does not mean it is not true.  Believing in them does not harm the Bible's story, nor man's relationship to God.


Nature of Man - Evolution says superior to animals, creation says distinct from animals.  Both are true.


Origin of Civilization - Evolution says slow and gradual, creation says corresponds to mankind.  Both are true.  Of course it corresponds to is mankind's civilization!

     In his summary to this table, Morris says these are very general predictions, and alludes to the fact that they can be adjusted.  Overall, none of these predictions clearly favors a young earth creation model over the evolutionary model.  Since this book is based upon a contrast of these predictions, we can predict now that the rest of this book will not present any credible evidence in support of a young earth.

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            If you are not a Christian, and you have been holding out on making a decision for Christ because the Church always preached a message that was contrary to what you saw in the scientific world, then rest assured that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, and you can believe in Christ and receive salvation, while still believing in an old earth.  Click here for more.


    Are you a Christian who believes in young earth creationism?  Now that we have shown the many difficulties of the young earth creation science model in this and many other articles, how does this impact your Christian life?  If you are a young earth creationism believer, click here.