Creation Science

Creation Science Book Review

Frozen In Time

Chapter 9: The Peak of the Ice Age


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries

First Published 7 September 2005


Glacial Maximum (Page 87)


     Oard throws out some supposed facts that the reader is supposed to take as the truth (note there are no references in this section).  For example, “A 3,000-foot lower snow level was about the same for other high mountains of the tropics.”  Where’s the proof in the references?  It appears to be an off-hand statement meant to be taken as fact by young earth creation science believers.  Unfortunately, this is part of the young earth “culture,” as supposed experts are taken as 100 percent truthful in their statements, whether or not the facts back up those statements.   

     There is a flip-side to this culture.  Since I am not a part of it, supporting the young earth position, they will ignore any evidence I present, no matter how valid and truthful the evidence is.  It's a win-win situation for the young earth creation science expert...they can't lose.


Does Glaciation Take a Long Time? (Page 88)


     Yes it does.  He correctly notes that an ice age cycle is thought to be 100,000 years.  Of course this can vary somewhat depending on the conditions.  His claim for a rapid ice age fails, from the standpoint of observational evidence for the multiple ice ages, and on the basis of carbon dioxide gasses required to sustain his rapid ice age.  The release of the carbon dioxide by the world’s volcanoes would literally roast Noah, and we would not be here today!  Since I am here typing this, my existence is solid proof against Oard’s theory.  For more, see Carbon Dioxide and the Flood (../../morton/co2.htm).

     His model shows a roughly 700 year Ice Age.  This Ice Age would have extended from roughly 2,300 B.C. till about 1,600 B.C.   you would think that a 700 year long ice age would be mentioned in the Bible…but no such references exist. 

     Another thing I have not seen so far is any references to carbon-dating.  Overall, young earth creationists accept the principles of carbon dating.  They argue it cannot prove an old earth, and I agree, since it is useless beyond 50,000 years.  Frozen mammoths have been carbon dated to 44,000 years old.  That’s a lot older than the Flood Ice Age!

     Mr. Kent Hovind has made a point of arguing that the same mammoth was dated at both 29,500 and 44,000 years…but he mishandles the evidence, as usual.1


Ice Sheet Thickness (Page 89)


     We have plenty of ice sheet thickness estimates from true scientists.  Sections such as this are only meant to throw out data, in an effort to bolster the young earth readers’ impression that Oard is an expert.  I agree, Oard probably knows more about Ice Ages than any other young earth creation science expert, even though he is wrong in his conclusions.  Much knowledge does not make one right!


Uniformitarian Ice Thickness Estimates Exaggerated (Page 91)


     An ice thickness estimate is exactly that…an “estimate.”  It is no problem to find that estimates vary widely…so what?  He says of uniformitarian estimates “These ice depths are much thicker than the depths calculated for the post-Flood model.  Which estimate comes closest to the actual depths?”  In order for Oard to know the “actual depths” he would have had to observe the ice thickness in person.  I had no idea Oard was that old!

     He goes on to state, “There is some recent evidence, however, that the past ice sheet thicknesses were significantly lower than uniformitarian scientists expected.”  What is the source of these claims that Oard refers to…in uniformitarian scientific studies!  He is merely playing one uniformitarian study against others to prove his model.  Remember that an estimate is exactly that…an “estimate.”  They vary widely.  You can find some to prove your own theory, while disproving others, and vice versa.  Nice trick!


1  The Same Mammoth Lived 29,500 and 44,000 years ago? ( Link dead)



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Chapter 11

Chapter 12

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Chapter 14

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Chapter 16



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