Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals -

Creation Moments

A Rose Is Still a Rose

16 February 2006

     The 16 February 06 daily feature for the young earth creation science ministry Creation Moments discusses the rose.

     The Creation Moments author tells of rose breeding, and how it is one of the oldest human experiments.  Roses are bred for color, size, frequency of bloom, and scent.  A creationist, Walter Lammerts, has developed many roses and won awards.  Lammerts blames evolution for slowing the development of better strains of plants.  This is due to the evolutionist belief that it takes a long time to make changes, thus they have not been as aggressive in the development of new strains.  However, prior to evolution, breeders had developed over 4,000 varieties of roses.  Today, we have at least 7,250 rose varieties.1  Since evolution was first proposed, we have almost doubled the number of varieties.  Since it took thousands of years to develop the first 4,000, and only 150 years for the next 3,000+, claiming that evolution has hindered the development of rose varieties makes no sense.

     As Christians we should thank God for the wonderful varieties of roses we have to enjoy.   However, as is typical of Creation Moments claims, this is strictly a "God of the Gaps" type argument.  Presenting such an argument in defense of creation is a pointless exercise in will strengthen those who already believe, but will do nothing to argue for your position with the atheist or old earth creationist.


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