Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals -

Creation Moments

Monkeying with Typewriters

7 April 2006

     The 7 April 06 daily feature for the young earth creation science ministry Creation Moments discusses giving some monkeys a typewriter, and enough time, and they could produce all the great works of literature.

     The author says that everyone has heard the argument "that if enough monkeys were allowed to pound away at typewriters for enough time, they would eventually produce all the great works of literature.

     I agree that many people have heard this claim.  It is known as the Infinite Monkey Theorum.  Although some evolutionists do indeed appeal to this theorum, it really shows nothing in the way of proving evolution, just as Creation Moments argues.  However, it should be noted that the argument did not have its origins for the purpose of supporting evolution.

     The origin of this theorum dates to 1913, in the book by the French mathematician Emile Borel.  The original intention of this theorum had nothing to do with evolution, it was merely about statistical probability.  There is one popular myth, that it originated in 1860, in a debate between Thomas Henry Huxley and the Anglican Bishop of Oxford.  However, this appears to only be a myth.  Typewriters had not reached mass production until 10 years later, and no eyewitnesses could remember this being mentioned at the debate. 

     Take some time to click on the link above for the Theorum.  It is an interesting read.


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