Creation Science

Creation Science Reviews

Creation Ministries International Daily Feature

Slippery Slope of Old Earth Belief?

29 April 2014


Review by Greg Neyman

Old Earth Ministries

Review Published 29 April 2014


     Creation Ministries International's daily article for 29 April 2014 was titled "The end of a slippery slope: The consequences of abandoning Biblical creation."1  This article by Marc Ambler highlights the fact that the YEC author is prideful in his assertion that he is right about creation, and those who accept long ages are wrong.

      In the article, he relates a conversation he had with a Methodist minister, whom he calls a "churchian," one who has abandoned YEC in favor of modern scientific discoveries.  Churchian is a term generally regarded to mean people who go to church, but who are not saved. In making this statement, it is clear that this YEC author (and probably most YEC ministry people) do not believe an old earth creationist when they say "I'm a Christian."  Us old earth believers are looked down upon, and not trusted.  They view us as "inferior Christians" at best.

     The basic premise of the author's claim is wrong.  The subtitle is 'the consequences of abandoning biblical creation.' Old earth creationists have not abandoned biblical creation...we still accept that God created the world, as the Bible says. We are still Biblical creationists.  YEC ministries frequently make the claim that they are Biblical creationists, when in fact, anyone who believes God created the world is a Biblical creationist, whether it be old earth or young earth.  He goes on to state that "if my pastor were approached by a proponent of theistic evolution or progressive creation, or one of the other attempts to squeeze naturalism into the Bible, he would unequivocally say that we take a biblical creation view on origins."  I would reply, "So do I."

      The author contines to relate more about his converstation with the pastor. The pastor does make one response that is troublesome.  When asked how he knew the blood of Christ was really shed on the cross, he said "I am not sure that I do." I'm not certain the pastor was being genuine at this point, as it is clear from the article that he was probably tired of discussing young earth issues, and just wanted to curtly end the conversation with this YEC (sometimes, when talking to a YEC, you know the conversation is going nowhere, and you just wish it would end!).

      In the next section, the author mentions:

"We do not believe that an individual that rejects the biblical account of creation will necessarily also ultimately reject other clear teachings of Scripture. We have found that a ‘blessed inconsistency’ is possible and that some are able to live their Christian faith in spite of that inconsistency. But a clear inconsistency it is. It is inconsistent with the Bible..."

     In the first case, old earth creationists do not reject the biblical account of creation...we reject the young earth interpretation of the biblical account.  Second, old earth belief is not inconsistent with the is inconsistent with a young earth interpretation of the Bible.  When dealing with the Word of God, we believe the words of the Bible come from a perfect God, and are correct.  However, as imperfect men, we must interpret those words. In the case of this young earth creationist, he feels his interpretation is perfect! He has elevated his interpretation to be on the same level as the perfect Bible.  This is the height of assume your interpetation is inerrant.

     Since the pastor was Methodist, the author closes with quotes from John Wesley.  These quotes are no problem for old earth creationists.  He makes a point of there being death before the Fall, something that YEC theory depends on, but theologically, there is no problem with death before the fall.

    It is sad that many YEC leaders consider themselves so far above old earth creationists, and consider their interpretations to be far superior (infallible) to ours.  Their insistence that they are the only "biblical creationists" only demonstrates the height of their prideful interpretation of the Bible.

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Did you know that you can be a Christian, and believe that the earth is billions of years old?  You can even believe in evolution and be a Christian.  There is no conflict between science and the Bible...all one needs is a proper understanding how to merge science and the Bible.  To learn more about old earth creationism, see Old Earth Belief, or check out the article Can You Be A Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?  

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