Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Institute for Creation Research

Dr. John's Q&A #6, 1 June 1989

Is There Evidence Against Evolution?


By Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries


     Yes there is evidence against evolution...but in most cases, it is a "lack of evidence for evolution" that is evidence against evolution.

     Morris starts out with a discussion of the problem of life from non-life.  He is absolutely correct.  There is no possible way that life could have started by itself, billions of years ago in some primordial soup.  The protein molecule is too complex...the DNA code is too complex.  Life did not happen by itself.

    However...with theistic evolution, God would have provided that first life form.  For those Christians who believe in evolution, spontaneous generation of life from non-life is not a barrier.

     The second point that Morris brings up is the fossil record.  He claims that it gives no record of any life form evolving into another.  In other words, there are no transitional fossils.  Actually, there are fossils that are considered transitional, but young earth creationists refuse to accept them.  For more on the issue, see Transitional Fossils.

     Morris addresses two gaps in the fossil record which he sees as great evidence against evolution.  First, there is a large gap from the first single-celled organisms (3.8 billion years ago) to the multi-cellular organisms (543 million years ago.  (Although it is a small issue, Morris calls the time of these multi-cellular organisms as "600-million-year-old layers of rock designated as Cambrian."  Morris, as a geologist, should know that the Cambrian started at about 543 million years ago.)  This is a gap of more than 3 billion years.  However, Morris fails to mention that evolutionists have a good, no, an excellent, explanation for this gap.  The first organisms were photosynthetic organisms, represented in the fossil record as stromatolites.  This long time period was required for these organisms to build up the planet's oxygen levels to a sufficient point to support more advanced life forms.  In fact, if you look at the rock record during this period, you will see the steady increase of the oxygen level of the planet.

     Morris does make one valid point here...that the organisms of the Cambrian, such as the trilobites, have no ancestors in the fossil record.  This does not present a problem for old earth creationists who are "progressive creationists," as they believe God created life forms in the same manner as young earth creationists.  Theistic evolutionists would have a problem with this, however, and they must believe that the ancestors are there, but they are not preserved, or have not been discovered yet.

     The second gap that Morris presents is the gap from marine invertebrates to vertebrate fish.  As Morris points out, there are also fish in the Cambrian.  The main point he makes is the lack of ancestors, which would go back to the previous problem for theistic evolutionists... either the fossils are not preserved, or not discovered yet.

     Morris ends with the claim that "the evidence for creation is so strong, it is illogical to believe anything else."  I agree that there is evidence for a creator, but most young earth evidences are false.  In over 25 years, I have never found one piece of evidence that indicates a young earth.


Dr. John's Q&A #6, published on the web at



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