Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Creation Magazine (Ex Nihilo)

Hopeful Monsters

Ex Nihilo, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1978


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries


     Like the article just before this one in the first issue of Ex Nihilo, the article argues against transitional forms.1 

     At the time of its writing, an evolutionist, Stephen Jay Gould, was predicting that the "hopeful monster" theory would come back.  This basically says a reptile lays and egg, and out pops a bird.  It advocates instantaneous change.  Naturally, such a theory is not correct...but there are important lessons that can be learned from it.  And, typical of young earth creationists, the author of this article, Carl Wieland, is guilty of a process known as quote mining (you can read Gould's original article here, and the Talk Origins quote mine claim here). 

     Gould was examining if Darwinian evolution was still valid if there were these abrupt changes, and he was examining the true meaning of the hopeful monster term.  He did not agree with everything that the hopeful monster inventor claimed.

     Yes, Gould did admit the fossil record is not complete.  It never will be, as all transitional forms will never be discovered.  Thus this argument will remain with us forever.


For more reading


Transitional Fossils

Hopeful Monster


1  Published on the web at



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Creation Magazine 1978


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