Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals -

Light During the First Three Days of Creation


Review by Greg Neyman

First Published 2006  

     In an article on the Creation, Dinosaurs and the Flood website, young earth creation science advocate Charlie Liebert explains his thoughts about the presence of light during the first three days of creation.1
He claims that "The light in the first three days was probably from God himself coming from a specific location where He was located. His person is described as light in many places in scripture." While a noble thought, there is a better explanation. One comment before we move on. If God is indeed light, then why did He have to say "Let there be light" in Genesis 1:1? Was He telling Himself to start shining? If God is light, then he was already shining! This sort of contradicts the nature of God...if He always existed, then he was already shining.
The standard model of planetary formation within old earth creationism (and secular science) fully explains this. First, one must realize what Genesis Chapter 1 is. It is an account of the creation, from the point of view of an observer, standing on the surface of the planet. This "frame of reference" for this observer is very important. Genesis 1:2 says

The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep, And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

    The observer is at the surface, observing these events. In a new planet, there is much gas, thus a cloud would have existed over the planet, obscuring the light. The sun would already, by necessity, be in place, and the moon is probably also already captured by earth. Thus, when God said on day one, Let there be light, there was enough light on the surface to observe, but one could not look out into the heavens and observe the stars.
    With each day of creation equal to many millions of years, the second day of creation explains God shaping the land...a process that he started, and continued, throughout the geologic history of our planet. The third day, the creation of plants, is the key to understanding the fourth day, the creation of the sun and moon. The first photosynthetic plants would have enough light to live and multiply, but not direct sunlight. This simple algae, as seen in the fossil record from 3,8 billion years ago to the present, helped convert the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into oxygen. This slow process eventually cleared the atmosphere, and then allowed the observance of the sun, moon, and stars as described on Day Four of creation. It is a beautiful story, where scientific observations of earth's history fully meshes with the creation account of the Bible.
    For those not familiar with old earth creationism, each day of creation is seen as overlapping the others. For instance, in the creation of plants, God assigned this to Day Three. However, from the fossil record, we see new plants appearing, all the way up to our present day (the end of the creation event). Thus, there are two ways to interpret it:

1. For progressive creationists, who do not believe in evolution, God was creating unique plant species, all the way up to the end of the creative works. Therefore, Day Three lasted from 3.8 billion years ago, all the way up to several thousand years ago. It is more of a description of an event, than a description of a specific amount of time.

2.  For theistic evolutionists, God started the process of evolution of plants during Day Three, and then let evolution run its course, producing new plants as time went by.


1 Light During the First Three Days of Creation, published on the web at


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