Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Genesis Veracity

Article #1:  You Have Not Been Told the Whole Story


     This first article on the Genesis Veracity website claims that scientists are not being totally truthful in giving out information to the public.  The author starts out by saying that the "elites" of the scientific community declare that evolution and long ages are beyond reproof.  This statement is both right and wrong.  Today's scientific world is driven by peer review.  When a scientific study is published, others have the opportunity to hack it up and see if it stands up to scrutiny.  Thus, while they do claim that the earth is old, and evolution is true, no reputable scientist has stepped forward and submitted articles to support the idea that evolution is false, and that the earth is young.  To date, all young earth science has failed to pass the test of science.  So yes, science by its very nature says that evolution and long ages are not beyond reproof.  It is just that no credible evidence has ever been shown to contradict a billions of years old universe.  Thus when a scientist says the earth is old, they are speaking the truth as it is currently understood.

     Going hand-in-hand with the authors' claims is the statement that the dating methods used to determine that the earth is old are wrong.  However, time and again, these dating methods have indeed stood up to the scrutiny of peer review, and they are reliable, so long as you understand their limitations.  Christians should not fear long ages.  For more on this, see the article Radiometric Dating: A Christian Perspective.  You may also browse the Dating Methods link at the top of this page.  Typical of young earth claims, the author presents no evidence to the contrary, but rather makes a carte blanche claim.

      Next the author states the geologic layers indicate a rapid deposition of sediments a short time ago...again presented carte blanche.  The science for understanding deposition of rock layers is very solid, and gives no evidence to support the author.  For a lengthy study of stratigraphy and Noah's Flood, see the article Stratigraphy and the Young Earth Creation Science Model. 

     He goes on to make several other unqualified statements, and ends in an advertisement for his book.  The bottom line is that the author would have you believe that hundreds of thousands of scientists over the last century are wrong, and he has all the answers that they could not find.

    The website is a promotional tool for his book, called Old Earth? Why Not!.  Judging by this website, the book is not much use.  I normally buy books from young earth creationist authors, for the purpose of providing rebuttals.  In this case, it's not worth the money to purchase one.  If the author really feels that his information is valid, he may feel free to send me a book...the address is on our About Old Earth Ministries page.

     Clearly, the book cannot be a serious source of income for the author, so he should just post it free of charge on the internet.  After all, if he is right, and all of the world's scientists are wrong, should he not have a burden, as a Christian, to reach them for Christ?  What better way than by publishing his book for all to see.





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 To learn more about old earth creationism, see Old Earth Belief, or check out the article Can You Be A Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?  

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